Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Combine time!!

Ah yes, it's that magical time of year again. Time for large men to run around in shorts and t-shirts to prove that they are good football players and worth of making too much goddamn money. COMBINE TIME! I am a fan of the combine because it allows me to keep some connection with football for a bit longer. Mock drafts will be flying soon and that is a lot of fun as well, even though not one single expert will ever have an accurate one. How in the fuck do guys like Mel Kiper Jr get their jobs? Seriously? Is there no God? Why does he hate me? What the FUCK makes Kiper qualified to get a show, book deal, cushy gig? Maybe I missed something. is it the hair? I can get good hair. No problem. I can talk football all day. Dick. Anyway, it's time once again to figure out which guy will be this years Mike Mamula. You know, the guy who looks great without the pads and action of a game. Asshole. I never really took a whole lot of stock in the combine for the most part. If i was an exec about to invest millions of dollars in a player, I'd look for on field production first and foremost. Also, I'd like a guy who isn't dumb as a goddamn brick.( Sorry, Vince Young!) That's important. Anyway, let the games begin, I only hope the Lions and Eagles don't continue to fuck this up.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ah, the crack of leather is in the air.

And no, I don't mean fetish porn. Well, maybe a little. Baseball is back. After football leaves us high and dry like a prom date, baseball steps in to finish the job. Baseball takes one for the team. Now, my love for football is undying, but the time from May until training camp needs to be filled somehow. You can only watch so much scat. I am looking forward to seeing the Phillies defend the trophy. With all the steroids junk going on, it's nice to say " World Fucking Champs" to anyone who'll listem.